Can I distribute the DMD compiler in an app of mine?

Fruitful Approach fruitfulapproach at
Sun Mar 27 23:25:34 UTC 2022


I believe the project will start out open-source because I will 
be using Qt Creator, KaTeX, Markdown for the frontend.  And Qt's 
commercial license is too pricey for now.

The kernel though of my app will be a library written in D, for 
which (at a low level) the user can use the library in D itself 
(using D as a "host language"), or alternatively type in some 
specialized English, which will then be translated into 
equivalent D statements that use the library.

Anyway, obviously I need to include the DMD compiler itself so 
that the users get a nice installation experience.  Do we have 
permission to do such a thing?

If not, is there another D compiler that allows this?

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