When will you implement cent and ucent?

deadalnix deadalnix at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 19:35:10 UTC 2022

On Monday, 28 March 2022 at 18:37:27 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
> On Saturday, 26 March 2022 at 19:30:13 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>> https://dlang.org/phobos/core_int128.html
> I tried to find faults in its divide and modulo so that I could 
> rant about wideint.d being rewritten, but actually core.int128 
> seems to be better and correct (possibly more correct with 
> negative modulo even). :)
> So now it's all about adding the operator overloads, and done 
> with that particular complaint!

With LDC 1.27.1 :

Cent foobar(Cent a, Cent b) {
     return mul(a, b);

nothrow @nogc @safe example.Cent example.foobar(example.Cent, 
         push    r15
         push    r14
         push    rbx
         mov     r9d, edi
         mov     r8, rdi
         shr     r8, 32
         mov     r11d, esi
         mov     r10, rsi
         shr     r10, 32
         mov     ebx, edx
         mov     rax, rbx
         imul    r11, rbx
         imul    rbx, r9
         imul    rax, r8
         mov     r14d, ebx
         shr     rbx, 32
         add     rbx, rax
         mov     eax, ebx
         shr     rbx, 32
         add     rbx, r11
         imul    r10d, edx
         shr     rdx, 32
         mov     r11, rdx
         imul    r11, r9
         add     rax, r11
         mov     r11, rdx
         imul    r11, r8
         mov     r15d, ebx
         add     r15, r11
         mov     r11, rax
         shr     r11, 32
         add     r11, r15
         imul    edx, esi
         add     edx, r10d
         mov     r10d, ecx
         imul    r10, r9
         mov     esi, r11d
         add     rsi, r10
         imul    r8d, ecx
         add     r8d, edx
         shr     rcx, 32
         imul    ecx, edi
         add     ecx, r8d
         shl     rax, 32
         or      rax, r14
         shl     rcx, 32
         add     rcx, rbx
         movabs  rdx, -4294967296
         and     rcx, rdx
         add     rcx, r11
         and     rcx, rdx
         add     rsi, rcx
         mov     rdx, rsi
         pop     rbx
         pop     r14
         pop     r15

Now let's see what we can get with clang and __int128_t, same 
backend so the comparison is fair:

__uint128_t foobar(__uint128_t a, __uint128_t b) {
     return a * b;

foobar(unsigned __int128, unsigned __int128):                     
        # @foobar(unsigned __int128, unsigned __int128)
         mov     r8, rdx
         mov     rax, rdx
         mul     rdi
         imul    rsi, r8
         add     rdx, rsi
         imul    rcx, rdi
         add     rdx, rcx

Why do I even have to argue that case?

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