When will you implement cent and ucent?

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 16:36:52 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 29 March 2022 at 12:06:54 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> No, I picked the exact same toolchain on purpose so that the 
> approach themselves can be compared.
> both of the example above you *THE EXACT SAME* toolchain, the 
> only different is the approach to 128 bits integers in the 
> frontend.

  To me it looked like you did a C++ vs D somewhere in the way. 
But instead you're just doing the backend calls.

  Also speaks of a bunch of my own inexperience in the deeper 
matters, and why i usually abstain from a number of these 
conversations I'm not well versed in.

> The CPU has a lot of instructions to help handle large 
> integers. When you let the backend do its magic, it can 
> leverage them. When you instead give it good old small integers 
> code and it has to infer the meaning from it and reconstruct  
> the large integers ops you meant to be doing and optimize that, 
> you introduce so many failure point that it's practically 
> impossible to get a competitive result.

  Reminded of reading of specific ways you had to write bswap in 
C/C++ for GCC to recognize it and reduce it to a single 
instruction without getting into ASM, while still working with 
architectures that didn't have that specific instruction.

> There is no correctness vs speed here, both code are correct. 
> One is going to be significantly faster, but, in addition, one 
> is going to optimize better with it surroundings, so what 
> you'll see in practice is an even wider gap that what is 
> presented above.

  Still that example does suggest I'd get a bit of a boost by 
manually writing the 128bit multiply manually which would cut out 
overhead and a loop that's unneeded. Probably get similar results 
with a divide (*with long or smaller divisor*). Course those are 
rather case specific.

  I wouldn't look forward to re-writing the same code for all the 
different compilers back ends though.

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