companies actively using D (e.g. Mercedes Benz research)

Vladimir Marchevsky vladimmi at
Wed Mar 30 01:06:28 UTC 2022

On Monday, 7 March 2022 at 20:45:13 UTC, David wrote:
> I am wondering which companies still use D actively? For 
> example, does Mercedes Benz Research (heavily) rely on D? I am 
> aware of the page but I am 
> not sure how active these companies still are in using D. E.g. 
> ![Netflix's Vectorflow]( 
> has not been updated for nearly 2 years.
> Thanks David

I would also suspect that using D in common user-oriented 
software (like, business tools with GUI) is barely possible 
because of his inconsistent ecosystem. I mean, D has "high-level 
things" like GC and stuff, nice syntax, powerful templates and 
looks awesome for a software that "just works" like Java... But 
at the same time devs went into "have a better C" trip shrinking 
the language to a subset, accepted DIPs are not implemented for 
years, stdlib has some amount of 
legacy/experimental/deprecated/unwanted code, C++ interfacing is 
limited... After all, you have neither production-ready D-native 
tools (because for different reasons it got no enough traction), 
nor can use existing ones from C++ world, only C if you are lucky 
to find those and wish to play with building cross-language 
projects. After spending some time it's just easier to go back to 
Qt/C++, Swing/Java, Electron/JS, etc.

Having all of those "GC or no GC", "classes or no classes", 
"exceptions or error codes",  etc does not help either.

(Everything was written based on impressions of naive language 
user just watching language patchnotes, news feeds and rare forum 

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