When will you implement cent and ucent?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Thu Mar 31 20:15:46 UTC 2022

On 31.03.22 18:32, Johan wrote:
> On Monday, 28 March 2022 at 19:35:10 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>> Why do I even have to argue that case?
> Indeed. Bump. People please re-read deadalnix messages.
> -Johan

Well, I was with deadalnix on this even before reading the messages 
once. Add cent/ucent as built-in integral types. I was always under the 
impression that that the plan was to do it eventually.

I guess there are some inconvenient features to add to the frontend 
code, e.g. VRP, where a "library" solution would have an obvious excuse 
to just not support them.

If adding cent/ucent to the DMD backend is not an option, it can just 
forward to the druntime type, but other backends should be free to 
leverage their existing implementation. All of this is completely 
independent of whether or not cent/ucent are built-ins in the frontend 

BTW: It's perfectly fine to just add cent/ucent built-in implementation 
to the vision document and maybe provide a small spec of it, then 
someone who needs it can implement it.

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