Why is D unpopular?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Sun May 15 03:11:11 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 03:02:24 UTC, forkit wrote:

Also, the time for emulating the C++ experience of interfacing to 
C, has long gone.

The advantage C++ had (soooooo..long...ago....for doing this), 
was that C programmers would be more likely to move towards using 
C++. That is what made C++ popular after all.

But that was a long......time.........ago....

C programmers have had enough time to move to a newer language.

If they still program in C, I don't see them moving to D anytime 

Nor do I see D programmers moving (back) to C.

So I fail to see the benefit in having D and C flying around 

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