Why is D unpopular?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Sun May 15 23:34:15 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 18:47:22 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
> Um, no that will not happen, ever. The safety guarantee of 
> modern operating systems is and will be the MMU. Relying on 
> "safe" software will never be enough. There have been attempts 
> using safe intermediary languages like Microsoft Singularity 
> but don't expect this ever to be a commercial operating system. 
> The MMU is here to stay.

Relying on safe software alone, is not what I said.

But modern architectures do not provide a 'safe' operating 
environment either.

e.g Evict+Time cache attacks on the MMU ??

There is an abundance (to put it mildely) of research and 
real-world evidence that operating systems are not safe (by 

IoiT (Internet of insecure things) o/s's bring this to a whole 
new level.

All (mostly) built using C, which results in an inherently unsafe 
operating environment.

The problem here is C. Used (and still used) primarily for 
performance reasons.

As useful as ImportC sounds (if it worked 100% correctly), it 
seems to be taking D programmers in the wrong direction (given my 
argument above).

i.e. "just bring C code over here into your D project. It'll be 
fine. Don't worry. You don't even need to understand what that 
code does.. just import it."

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