Please, can the langauge stop inferring scope and return for @trusted/@system?

Dukc ajieskola at
Thu May 19 07:13:05 UTC 2022

First thing first, I'm talking about code with 
`-preview=dip1000`. Make sure that is on if you test these.

There are times when you want to treat data in a scoped struct as 
non-scoped. Example:
struct MyType
{ // Struct designed so that this will never point to local data
   private @system int* _content;
   // This might.
   int* otherPtr;
   @trusted this(return ref int i)
   { _content = new int(i);
     otherPtr = &i;
   // Note, not marked RETURN scope. Should return an unscoped 
   @trusted scope content(){return _content;}

@safe void main()
{ int* outer;
   { int inner;
     // Inferred as scope, which is intended
     auto myVar = MyType(inner);
     // Should be allowed
     outer = myVar.content;

This pattern is perfectly @safe and makes sense. One problem 
though - it does not compile. Auto-inference being on, the 
compiler goes on to infer that `MyType.content` is `return scope`.

In this case, it would be easy to avoid this by simply disabling 
auto-inference by giving the function an explicit type: `@trusted 
pure nothrow @nogc scope int* content()`. This only works in 
non-templated functions and types though. We sometimes need to 
achieve the same inside a template too. We can do that:
@trusted scope content()
{ auto tmp = _content;
   return tmp;

This works. The compiler does not really track lifetimes of the 
variables inside `@trusted` or `@system` functions. But it still 
tries to be smart if directly returning a pointer from the struct.

Frankly, this violates the principle of least astonishment pretty 
badly. Can't we just have a simple rule: if the function is 
explicitly marked `@trusted` or `@system`, NO `scope` or `return` 
attributes are inferred whatsoever?

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