DMD 2.100, bring ont he attribute soup

JN 666total at
Fri May 27 13:06:53 UTC 2022

On Friday, 27 May 2022 at 05:06:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Rust is famous for forcing programmers to not just recode their 
> programs, but redesign them from the ground up. How they 
> managed to sell that is amazing.

I think it's because they don't focus on interop with other 
languages, especially other than C. It's "my way or the highway". 
And Rust provides many benefits over C/C++ making people willing 
to make the complete switch.

In comparison, D is trying to be a language that can partially 
replace and interact with existing C++ codebases, even adding 
language features to support such workflow.

Not arguing whether one behavior is better than the other, but 
it's easier to force programmers to redesign their programs if 
they don't have an easy transition path. If it's a hard 
transition path, might as well, do the redesigns at this point.

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