DMD and GDC are unnecessarily using heap allocations for closures

Siarhei Siamashka siarhei.siamashka at
Mon May 30 06:47:24 UTC 2022

Consider the following example:

import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio;

long binary_search(long n, long val, long i) {
   return iota(1, i + 1).map!(x => n / x == 

// A solution for
long solve(long n) {
   long ans = 0, i = n;
   while (i != 0) {
     long val = n / i;
     auto cnt = binary_search(n, val, i);
     ans += cnt * val;
     i -= cnt;
   return ans;

void main() {
   long ans = 0;
   foreach (n ; 1 .. 100000)
     ans += solve(n);

Benchmarks with GDC 11.2.0, LDC 1.27.1 (LLVM 12.0.0) and DMD 
$ dmd -O -g -release -inline test.d && time ./test

real	0m10.654s
user	0m11.001s
sys	0m0.052s

$ gdc-11.2.0 -O3 -g -frelease -flto test.d && time ./a.out

real	0m6.520s
user	0m6.519s
sys	0m0.000s

$ ldc2 -O -g -release test.d && time ./test

real	0m1.904s
user	0m1.903s
sys	0m0.000s
LDC produces significantly faster code here and one of the major 
contributing factors is that LDC is able to avoid heap 
allocations (as can be confirmed by running a profiler). It is 
possible to force LDC to also use heap allocations via adding 
'--disable-gc2stack' option and the performance drops:

$ ldc2 -O -g -release --disable-gc2stack test.d && time ./test

real	0m3.621s
user	0m3.620s
sys	0m0.000s

So only LDC is doing a proper job and lives up to its state of 
the art optimizing compiler reputation. But not everything is 
perfect even with LDC. In another thread$nlb$  
Steven Schveighoffer mentioned @nogc annotations. Now if I add 
@nogc attribute to 'binary_search' function, then LDC refuses to 
compile the source code:

$ ldc2 -O -g -release test.d && time ./test
test.d(3): Error: function `test.binary_search` is `@nogc` yet 
allocates closures with the GC
test.d(4):        test.binary_search.__lambda4 closes over 
variable n at test.d(3)

What do you think about all of this?

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