[OT] Generating distribution of N dice rolls

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at qfbox.info
Thu Nov 10 02:10:32 UTC 2022

This is technically OT, but I thought I'd pick the smart brains here for
my project, which happens to be written in D. ;-)

Basically, I want to write a function that takes 2 uint arguments k and
N, and simulates rolling N k-sided dice and counting how many 1's, 2's,
3's, ... k's were rolled. Something like this:

	uint[k] diceDistrib(uint k)(uint N)
		in(k > 0)
		in(N > 0)
		out(r; r[].sum == N)
		uint[k] result;
		foreach (i; 0 .. N) {
			result[uniform(0, k)]++;
		return result;

The above code works and does what I want, but since N may be large, I'd
like to refactor the code to loop over k instead of N. I.e., instead of
actually rolling N dice and tallying the results, the function would
generate the elements of the output array directly, such that the
distribution of the array elements follow the same probabilities as the
above code.

Note that in all cases, the output array must sum to N; it is not enough
to merely simulate the roll distribution probabilistically.

Any ideas?  (Or links if this is a well-studied problem with a known

<ObDReference> I love how D's new contract syntax makes it so conducive
to expressing programming problem requirements. ;-) </ObDReference>


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