[OT] Generating distribution of N dice rolls

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at qfbox.info
Thu Nov 10 23:15:24 UTC 2022

On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 09:45:56PM +0000, Siarhei Siamashka via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 17:46:59 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> > On 11/10/22 08:57, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > 
> > > if there's a fast way to compute the standard deviation of the
> > > multinomial

According to the Wikipedia page on multinomial distribution (linked by
Timon), it states that the variance of X_i for n rolls of a k-sided dice
(with probability p_i), where i is a specific outcome, is:

	Var(X_i) = n*p_i*(1 - p_i)

Don't really understand where this formula came from (as I said, that
page is way above my head), but we can make use of it.  In this case,
p_i = 1/k since we're assuming unbiased dice rolls.  So this reduces to:

	Var(X_i) = (n/k)*(1 - 1/k)

Now, since the standard deviation is just the square root of the
variance, we have:

	sigma = sqrt((n/k)*(1 - 1/k))

which is easy to compute.

Furthermore, the mean is just:

	E(X_i) = n*p_i = n/k

We can then plug this into the Box-Muller transform (which I found on
Wikipedia :-P):

	import std.random, std.math;
	const sigma = sqrt((n/k)*(1.0 - 1.0/k));
	auto u1 = uniform01();
	auto u2 = uniform01();
	auto mag = sigma*sqrt(-2*log(u1));
	auto z0 = mag * cos(2*PI*u2) + n/k;
	auto z1 = mag * sin(2*PI*u2) + n/k;

which sets z0 and z1 to be two random variables having mean n/k and
variance Var(X_i).  So they can be used to populate two elements of the
resulting array, and should have the correct distribution.

Repeat this procedure until all array elements are populated. (If the
output array length is odd, i.e., k is odd, we can just discard the last
z1.)  Then compute the difference d between sum of the array and n (the
expected sum), which should be relatively small, and run d iterations of
individual dice rolls and adjust the array (++ if the sum is too small,
or -- if the sum is too large) to make it sum exactly to n.

> > I am happy with my solution which includes scientific terms like
> > normalDistributianness. :p
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > Error checking etc. are missing but hundred million dice throws in a
> > split second... Now that's fast! :p
> That's fast, but unfortunately doesn't seem to be correct. Your code
> outputs something like this:
>     [16548205, 16741274, 16600777, 16792301, 16585808, 16731635]
> While the original slow reference H. S. Teoh's implementation outputs:
>     [16669388, 16665882, 16668019, 16671186, 16664718, 16660807]
> It's easy to see even with a naked eye that the statistical properties
> are obviously not the same (your implementation has a significantly
> higher variance). And for comparison, a [Python/SciPy
> implementation](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/17388#issuecomment-1310913940)
> outputs:
>     [16664115, 16666144, 16677962, 16660692, 16663181, 16667906]

I implemented what I described above, and got very good-looking results.

1 modules passed unittests
[16666837, 16666500, 16664692, 16666306, 16663568, 16672097] sum=100000000
[16661247, 16666674, 16668562, 16673476, 16665867, 16664174] sum=100000000
[16663070, 16665221, 16664850, 16668355, 16668246, 16670258] sum=100000000
[16671423, 16665663, 16667209, 16669164, 16663916, 16662625] sum=100000000
[16666194, 16669936, 16662697, 16666535, 16666671, 16667967] sum=100000000
[16665977, 16667094, 16662753, 16670737, 16666762, 16666677] sum=100000000
[16665518, 16666940, 16671829, 16664487, 16665344, 16665882] sum=100000000
[16658486, 16666671, 16667778, 16665901, 16667471, 16673693] sum=100000000
[16668149, 16669431, 16661462, 16668241, 16668286, 16664431] sum=100000000
[16660879, 16671401, 16659154, 16671245, 16667720, 16669601] sum=100000000
[16665213, 16670794, 16665401, 16667548, 16663484, 16667560] sum=100000000
[16663091, 16671196, 16669946, 16670791, 16661162, 16663814] sum=100000000
[16664305, 16670070, 16662123, 16663467, 16673867, 16666168] sum=100000000
[16664395, 16667406, 16657623, 16673838, 16670227, 16666511] sum=100000000
[16671401, 16662181, 16672923, 16657766, 16674160, 16661569] sum=100000000
[16663059, 16669574, 16662338, 16668319, 16670541, 16666169] sum=100000000
[16672366, 16662296, 16666526, 16664284, 16669201, 16665327] sum=100000000
[16665787, 16669038, 16666956, 16668728, 16660096, 16669395] sum=100000000
[16669162, 16669034, 16662788, 16663672, 16669127, 16666217] sum=100000000
[16667016, 16669649, 16661551, 16670882, 16668304, 16662598] sum=100000000

(I've no idea how accurate it is, but visual inspection certainly
indicates that it's doing the right thing. And it's lightning-fast. :-P)

Code (compile with `dmd -unittest -main`):
import std;

/// Box-Muller transform.
double[2] gaussianPoint(double[2] mean, double deviation)
    import std.math : cos, log, sin, sqrt, PI, round;
    import std.random : uniform01;

    auto u = uniform01();
    auto v = uniform01();
    auto x0 = sqrt(-2.0*log(u)) * cos(2.0*PI*v);
    auto y0 = sqrt(-2.0*log(u)) * sin(2.0*PI*v);

    double[2] result;
    result[0] = mean[0] + cast(int)round(deviation * x0);
    result[1] = mean[1] + cast(int)round(deviation * y0);
    return result;

/// Roll k-sided dice N times and tally each output.
int[] diceDistrib(int k, int N)
    in (k > 0)
    in (N > 0)
    out (r; r.sum == N)
    import std.math : sqrt, round;
    import std.range : chunks;
    import std.random : uniform;

    const mean = cast(double)N / k;
    const deviation = sqrt(mean * (1.0 - 1.0 / k));
    double[2] means = [ mean, mean ];

    // Populate output array with initial values with the correct mean and
    // standard deviation.
    auto result = new int[k];
    foreach (chunk; result.chunks(2))
        auto z = gaussianPoint(means, deviation);
        chunk[0] = cast(int) round(z[0]);
        if (chunk.length > 1)
            chunk[1] = cast(int) round(z[1]);

    // Tweak resulting array until it sums exactly to N.
    auto total = result.sum;
    while (total != N)
        auto i = uniform(0, k);
        if (total < N)

    return result;

    foreach (i; 0 .. 20)
        import std.stdio;
        auto N = 100_000_000;
        auto dist = diceDistrib(6, N);
        writefln("%s sum=%d", dist, dist[].sum);
        assert(dist.sum == N);


Now, just for fun, I added a writeln before the `while (total != N)` to
print out just how big of a discrepancy to N the array sum is.  Turns
out, quite a bit: for N = 100_000_000 as above, the discrepancies range
from approximately -25000 to 25000, with the typical discrepancy being
about 3-4 digits long, which means that the code is spending quite a bit
of time in that final loop.  Which suggests that a possible improvement
is to recursively run the initial approximation step, setting sub_N = (N
- array.sum).

I'll leave that to a future iteration, though.  Being able to compute a
hundred million dice rolls in a split second is already good enough for
what I need. :-D


Answer: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion. / Question: Why is top posting bad?

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