dead packages or lifelong refactorings of it cuz compiler changes

a11e99z black80 at
Sat Nov 12 17:27:19 UTC 2022

- specific version compiler (SVC) is required DUB-package itself, 
as named, with own version.
- project depends from SVC that is explicitly required field 
(maybe with constraint like 2.79<= AND <2.92).
- contra: SVC of total project depends from some unifying SVC of 
dependend packages that can differ from each other - that is 
impossible task.
   workaround: each package compiles by own SVC and the "last 
linker" links OBJs/LIBs it to EXE.
   must: packages/classes/functions/entites compatible at ABI 
level - same name mangling etc.

bonus: DUB will become indivisible part of compiler tools.

dotnet became. nobody uses CSC.exe now.

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