Synchronize D 2.101.0 release with tooling please

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Wed Nov 16 12:27:27 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 06:38:35 UTC, rikki cattermole 
> arsd is about the only project there that isn't tested on PR.
> Adam is fairly conservative with a very large range of version 
> support, so I'm fairly sure that is likely to not break.

New dmds do sometimes break my stuff though. This most recent one 
did due to a (random, unjustifed) Phobos change, but one of my 
users who used the beta dmd sent me an email, so I got a fix 
landed ahead of the formal release.

I have processes to test my stuff on old compilers, but not new 
ones. I rarely update stuff on my computers... so there is the 
risk that some dmd/phobos breakage will hit me.

But I can usually fix it pretty quick without regressing support 
for old compilers if someone lets me know.

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