Synchronize D 2.101.0 release with tooling please

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Wed Nov 16 18:28:01 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 15:39:18 UTC, Dennis wrote:
> class destructors shouldn't escape `this` in the constructor,
> so a PR was made to make class destructors implicitly `scope`.

The current implementation of class dtors is broken anyway; it 
doesn't even correctly implement the D spec! (The spec claims 
they are "always virtual", but they are actually never virtual, 
but the implementation tries to emulate it) and the statement 
that "The destructor for the super class automatically gets 
called when the destructor ends." is again only half-true, this 
does happen when you call rtFinalize, but it is not done in 
general when you call the dtor through other means.

This has profound consequences with `@safe` and other static 
attributes - they just plain don't work! You can't call 
`.destroy()` in a @safe (or nogc, etc.) contexts because destroy 
has no way of proving the destructor actually follows those rules 
at all.

If it followed the spec, you could prove it, just like with any 
other virtual method, because subclasses would be forced to 
follow the rules. But it would be fairly strict:

class A {
    void dispose() @safe {}

class B : A {
    override void dispose() @system // compile error, cannot 
override safe with system

    // btw since attributes are inherited when overriding, you
    // don't actually have to write out `@safe`
    override void dispose() @safe {
        super.dispose(); // all good!

    // but can you tighten?
    override void dispose() @safe @nogc {
        // signature OK, you can tighten restrictions, but...
        // the spec says it must call the parent...
        super.dispose(); // uh oh, @nogc this cannot call 
non- at nogc super

void destroy(T)(T t) {

A a;
destroy(a); // infers to @safe because A.dispose
B b;
destroy(b); // the best this can do is also be @safe because 
B.dispose must be able to call A.dispose

// even if you made destroy call this.dtor(); then 
this.super.dtor(); in a loop, like rt_finalize does today, it 
could still at best infer to whatever the top-most class that 
defines the dtor actually specified

That "problem" with the mandatory call to `super.x()`... in 
effect, a destructor would not be allowed to tighten conditions. 
It'd have to exactly match the parent class' interface, 
attributes and all.

I use the quotes on "problem" because that's not necessarily a 
problem! It'd work just fine, just you can't tighten things like 
you normally do in a subclass, since the parent chain is also 
required to be called.

But the current implementation we have doesn't actually treat 
destructors as virtual. It just pretends they are when it is 
called. The fix we need is for the compiler to treat them that 
way too, and force all child classes to inherit the attributes 
from the parent class.

Once you do that, you actually CAN meaningfully make a `@safe` 
destructor. But until then, all destructors are necessarily 
called from a `@system` context regardless; safe dtors just plain 
don't work, even if you try to .destroy() it explicitly in your 
`@safe` scope, because the static type system cannot prove that a 
dtor in a child type, only dynamically known, didn't do something 

So, since `@safe` dtors are currently broken anyway, what do we 
gain by this change?

I'd note that typing this post took about 50x the effort than 
fixing the code; this specific change is annoying but not 
terribly problematic. Just I wish breaking changes came with real 
world usability fixes rather than just patching one specific 
scenario while leaving the rest of the design as-is. I'd rather 
have to do a batched bigger fix for a bigger gain than a sequence 
of small fixes.

BTW, I'd be surprised if either of those bugzilla things happened 
in the real world, since it'd most likely immediately crash if 
you did anyway. (Which is true of a lot of random things you do 
in finalizers. They are quite tricky in what you can actually do 
in them - obviously, no GC operations since it'd deadlock, it is 
fairly well known you can't access GC'd members since they might 
already be collected, but did you know even manually managed 
members might be problematic? Since a finalizer is called from an 
arbitrary thread, of the manually managed member refers at all to 
a thread-local piece of data, you're back in crash city. Notably, 
many Win32 gui handles are thread local, so don't try to clean 
them up in a finalizier either. And there's no attribute to help 
with that. Except maybe pure which is overkill lol)

> Since std.socket calls `close` in the destructor of a socket, 
> `close` had to be marked `scope` as well.

This btw is also a bit iffy; I wish Socket had a method to 
release its file descriptor so it wouldn't try to close it 
anymore. That'd be a fairly easy additive change though, maybe 
I'll PR it myself now that I'm thinking about it.

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