Discussion Thread: DIP 1044--Enum Type Inference--Community Review Round 1

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 19:54:52 UTC 2022

Lemme propose a generalization of the concept and an alternative 

Consider the following code:

class ListBox {
    static struct Option {
          enum Type { Thing }
          Type type;
          string displayText;

    void addOption(Option o) {}

ListBox b;

b.addOption(auto(auto.Thing, "foo"));

ok so what happens there is the pseudo-namespace auto refers to 
the type of the parameter. is is essentially magic `alias auto = 

first layer i call the constructor, auto(...) is constructing a 
ListBox.Option, which it knows because that's what `addOption` 
takes, so that `auto` is just aliasing that name. The parens 
after it call the ctor exactly the same as if you wrote out 

now that constructor takes a ListBox.Option.Type, so the auto 
used in *that* function call refers to *that*, just like your 

But it isn't limited to just enums.

This would also potentially work in return statements and assign 

The type would have to be 100% unambiguous - the function must 
not be overloaded (well except maybe on arity) - so we avoid all 
that complication. Wouldn't work for templates.

Possible thing though:

listbox.addOption(to!auto("some string"))

might be allowed to work, using auto as the alias of the 
unambiguous parameter type could allow this too. I don't find 
this as important of a case to consider though.

BTW I used the word `auto` cuz it is a common thing but it could 
just as well be anything else, it is just a magic temporary alias 
after all.

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