Discussion Thread: DIP 1044--Enum Type Inference--Community Review Round 1

Nick Treleaven nick at geany.org
Fri Nov 18 21:27:51 UTC 2022

On Friday, 18 November 2022 at 18:32:44 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> ```
> import std;
> enum JavaStyleGinormousName { a, b, c, d}
> void main() {
>     auto var = JavaStyleGinormousName.a;
>     writeln(var);
>     alias B = JavaStyleGinormousName;
>     auto var2 = B.a;
>     writeln(var2);
> }
> ```
> This makes everything explicit, with no surprises and no 
> additional learning curve for the new user. This proposal 
> essentially boils down to an implicit
> ```
> alias $. = [something inferred by the compiler depending on the 
> context
> ```

alias $identifier = ExpectedType.identifier;

Your example above would still need the enum type names except 
you could write:

JavaStyleGinormousName var = $a;

The type name can be omitted for e.g. a function call, but then 
you can omit the types when passing a function literal to a typed 
function pointer parameter. Are you against function literal type 
inference too?

The fact this feature is showing up in other systems languages is 
evidence it is useful.

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