Discussion Thread: DIP 1044--Enum Type Inference--Community Review Round 1

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 19:56:44 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 20 November 2022 at 19:11:31 UTC, Johan wrote:
> On Sunday, 20 November 2022 at 16:30:46 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
>> On Sunday, 20 November 2022 at 16:14:41 UTC, Johan wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 20 November 2022 at 01:00:58 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
>>>> On Friday, 18 November 2022 at 15:37:31 UTC, Mike Parker 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ## Discussion Thread
>>>>> This is the discussion thread for the first round of 
>>>>> Community Review of DIP 1044, "Enum Type Inference":
>>>>> https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/e2ca557ab9d3e60305a37da0d5b58299e0a9de0e/DIPs/DIP1044.md
>>>> I have very simple feedback.
>>>> STOP, STOP, STOP, and if you still have some doubt, STOP!
>>>> Every time, it breaks a ton of tools.
>>>> It's not worth it.
>>>> If typing the name of the enum is too long, then just use 
>>>> `with` or `alias E = 
>>>> MyEnumNameThatIsTooLongAndAnoyingToType;`.
>>>> These changes do not solve any actual problem. They just 
>>>> break tools.
>>> I quite strongly agree.
>>> The DIP does not show any real improvements. The rationale 
>>> mentions "few drawbacks" but then does not mention those 
>>> actual drawbacks, so people can judge whether they are few or 
>>> not.
>>> The DIP show this example as an improvement:
>>> ```
>>>     myObj.myFn($medium, $square, $undefined);
>>> ```
>>> Is the height medium?, the location the town square?, the 
>>> shape undefined?
>>> This is the "worse" version:
>>> ```
>>>     myObj.myFn(Size.medium, Shape.square, State.undefined);
>>> ```
>>> Code will be _read_ much more often than it is _written_.
>>> Please give a real world example where really the enum name 
>>> is so long and tedious that _reading_ it is worse than 
>>> without (and where `with` does not solve the problem).
>>> Besides tooling, also take into account someone relatively 
>>> unfamiliar with D, stumbling upon a `$`. (now what the heck 
>>> is this gratuitous obfuscation?)
>>> -Johan
>> D has good type system
> Irrelevant.

It is relevant, care to bring more argumentation?

>> first off, name properly your functions/types/variables
> Irrelevant.

It is relevant, care to bring more argumentation?

>> then about the problem you are raising:
> In your long email, you are not addressing at all how this DIP 
> addresses any of the problems I am raising. Just mentioning 
> more examples of code that are not fixed by this DIP.

I'm unfortunately not qualified to answer every concerns and 
questions, i'm not a language developer or a compiler designer, i 
never wrote grammar stuff, i'm a mere language user, i can only 
share my experience writing code in my project

So i am thankful for all of you who share your opinions too, 
there is lot to learn

>> `TOK` enum in DMD codebase instead of `SymbolTokenType`
> Thank you for this example. Search DMD codebase for `TOK`, and 
> tell me how this DIP would matter for renaming `TOK` to 
> `SymbolTokenType`:
> ```
> dmd/compiler/src/dmd/cond.d:
>   195      {
>   196          auto tf = new TypeFunction(ParameterList(), 
> null, LINK.default_, 0);
>   197:         auto fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, loc, 
> tf, TOK.reserved, null);
>   198          fd.fbody = s;
>   199          auto fe = new FuncExp(loc, fd);
>   ...
>   407              auto exps = new Expressions(length);
>   408
>   409:             if (rangefe.op == TOK.foreach_)
>   410              {
>   411                  foreach (i; 0 .. length)
> ```
> ```
> dmd/compiler/src/dmd/cparse.d:
>   112          while (1)
>   113          {
>   114:             if (token.value == TOK.endOfFile)
>   115              {
>   116                  addDefines();   // convert #define's to 
> Dsymbols
> ```
> This DIP is not needed. `TOK` can happily be renamed to 
> `SymbolTokenType`.
> Let's not waste time on it.
> -Johan

I used TOK example because it was mentioned in this thread

if (token.value == TOK.endOfFile)

what's token.value????? you guessed that .value is the value of 
the TokenType?

if (token.token_type == .endOfFile)

I'd love to know what was the reasoning behind ``TOK`` naming, 
was it because it was too long? that would be my guess

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