Feedback Thread: DIP 1044--Enum Type Inference--Community Review Round 1

IchorDev zxinsworld at
Thu Nov 24 09:12:11 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 16:11:32 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
> 1) using new symbols $(or any other unused symbol) for a minor 
> feature is wasteful, compared to adding new meta/codegen 
> features etc.

It is a minor feature at the moment. There's nothing stopping it 
from becoming more generalised later. `#` is also used 
exclusively for `#line`, which prohibits its use almost anywhere 
else (except strings), but I am not against that either. `$` can 
still be used as a binary operator in the future, or in regular 
strings for interpolation or what-have-you.

> 2) Implicit 'with' for switch statements as proposed by Walter 
> is more elegant and doesn't require any new symbols/syntax and 
> is also more efficient from a compiler performance perspective 
> as $ could refer to any enum, whereas the implicit 'with' only 
> adds one enum.

If it only works in `case` statements then it does not 
functionally replace the usefulness of ETI:
enum MyEnum{ a,b,c,d }
struct Obj{ MyEnum one, two; }

void myFn(MyEnum param){}
void myDefaultFn(MyEnum param=$d){}
void myTempFn(alias x: MyEnum)(){}

void main(){
     Obj  myS1 = {one: $a, two: $b};
     auto myS2 = Obj($a, $b);

     myFn($b + $b);



You might argue that an explicit `with(T)` would be nice in the 
above example. Well, it's an example. In my experience, enum 
usage tends to be very spread out across codebases. Therefore 
using `with(T)` would lead to me doing *more* typing because I 
would need 1 `with` per enum use.

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