Is core.internal.atomic.atomicFetchAdd implementation really lock free?

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow.lists at
Wed Nov 30 00:11:10 UTC 2022

(Disclaimer: I have not studied lock-free programming so I might 
be wrong.)

On Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 00:04:22 UTC, mw wrote:
> ```
> lock; xadd[%0], %1;
> ```
> Is this really lock free?

`lock` here refers not to some mutex (which is what "lock free" 
generally means), but to the processor cache line:

> If not, can we use `cas` to implement it, e.g pseudo code:
> ```
> int atomicFetchAdd(int * pAddr, int nIncr ) {
>  while (true) {
>   int ncur = atomicLoad(pAddr);
>   if (cas( pAddr, ncur, ncur + nIncr )
>     return ncur ;
>  }
> }
> ```

`CMPXCHG`, used to implement CAS on x86, needs LOCK as well:

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