What is the better signature for this?

Guillaume Piolat first.last at spam.org
Sun Oct 9 19:44:13 UTC 2022

Consider the following "intrinsic" signature.

     __m256i _mm256_loadu_si256 (const(__m256i)* mem_addr) pure 
@trusted;  // (A)

The intel intrinsics signature have the problem that you must 
pass an implictely aligned `__m256i` (aka `long4`), however the 
pointer doesn't need to be aligned for an unaligned load. So, 
this is a bit playing with the type system. Inside the 
"intrinsic" implementation, nothing should use that non-existent 
alignment. Though in a way that hasn't blown up yet.

It is tempting to fix that and just take a long* or void* instead.

     __m256i _mm256_loadu_si256 (const(void)* mem_addr) pure 
@system;      // (B)

However, in that case, the function is not `@trusted` anymore, 
but becomes `@system`.
Indeed, it is safe to dereference a pointer, but not index from 

What about `float[4]` then? We can get back `@trusted`.

      __m256i _mm256_loadu_si256 (const(float[4])* mem_addr) pure 
@trusted; // (C)

Then, we loose compatibility ith intrinsics code originally 
written in C++. Casting to `const(float[4])*` is even more 
annoying to type than casting to `const(__m256i)*`.

What do you think is the better signature?
I'd prefer to go A > B > C, but figured I might be missing 

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