DConf '22 Talk: Structured Concurrency

Sebastiaan Koppe mail at skoppe.eu
Fri Oct 14 09:31:52 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 13 October 2022 at 19:54:31 UTC, Markk wrote:
> On Thursday, 13 October 2022 at 08:04:46 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
> wrote:
>> I haven't looked into OpenMP at all, ...
> Perhaps I should clarify that my question was not so much about 
> the actual "manifestation" of OpenMP, but rather about the 
> underlying concepts. A large part of your talk presents the 
> benefits of structured programming over the "goto mess", as an 
> analog for the benefits of "Structured Concurrency" over 
> anything else. It is there on this conceptual level that I do 
> not see any innovation over 1997 OpenMP.
> I'm not so much talking about whether syntax is fashionable, or 
> the approach of a built-in compiler feature the right design 
> choice.

I see.

I don't know. But if I wanted to find out I would look into how 
OpenMP supports cancellation, error handling and/or composing of 
(custom) asynchronous algorithms.

`retry` is a good example that hits all three. It needs to be 
cancellable - so that it stops retrying and cancels any running 
task - and it needs to go into (custom) retry logic whenever the 
underlying task errors, restarting it until it hits the retry 
limit - however that is defined.

How would one write such a thing using OpenMP, supposing it 
doesn't exist?

Obviously that doesn't invalidate your claim that these ideas are 
nothing new. However, I am approaching this much more from a 
practical standpoint and not as a CS historian.

To me it seems - from my brief googling - that the 
Sender/Receivers model is a more low-level abstraction of 
asynchronous computation and allows more fine-grained control.

I don't know whether that counts as a new idea or not.


When researching for structured concurrency I found a book from 
the late 90's that mentioned unstructured concurrency. It nailed 
the definition.

So yes, these concepts definitely were around before. Although 
funnily enough, the book mentioned nothing of structured 

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