A D vs. Rust example

IGotD- nise at nise.com
Mon Oct 24 17:49:35 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 23 October 2022 at 19:39:49 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> Go now is being held back by corporates 
> (amazon/google/microsoft), just like rust
> D should be free to experiment, not every language needs to be 
> taken hostage by corporates
> As you said, corporates don't care about what language they 
> use, they'll dump it if they find something that suits their 
> cost requirements better

I'm not sure what that means. When large companies make languages 
they can't push too much abstract compiler technology ideas on 
the masses because that would hurt the adoption. When companies 
throw millions into new languages, that would be a waste of money 
if nobody can use it. One use case is Swift which in my mind is 
not that difficult but still some Apple developers think it is 
too complicated. The Apple management is keeping the language 
developers on a leach so that they don't get out of hand with 
their academics. Imagine trying to push Rust onto Apple 
developers, that simply wouldn't have worked and they would have 
rejected it.

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