Is D really that bad?

Mike Parker aldacron at
Mon Oct 31 01:52:20 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 30 October 2022 at 19:16:22 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:

> It's kinda weird that someone can state "D isn't production 
> ready" while at the same time say "Zig is production ready" 
> when their own community explicitly says "don't use it in 
> production", "it's unstable".
> It does not compute my friends.

Given that there are plenty of people using D in production right 
now, I'd say it doesn't matter at all when someone says something 
like that. There always have been and always will be naysayers 
expressing negative opinions about D, and many of them aren't 
going to change their minds no matter what any of us do or say. 
You can't change minds that aren't open to changing.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are using D to get stuff done and/or 
working to make it better. The best thing anyone who likes the 
language can do is to keep using it and promote their work. Write 
about it, share it, make videos about it, etc. There are people 
out there who *are* open to trying new languages. Content showing 
how we're using D to solve real-world problems will potentially 
entice them to try it. You can see that in discussion threads 
asking current D users how they came to D: it was this article, 
or that video, or that project.

I rarely engage with anyone bashing D on reddit/HN or wherever 
anymore. There's usually no point to it. I'll leave a comment to 
correct misinformation when I see it (e.g., "there used to be two 
standard libraries, one GC and one non-GC, and the GC library 
won" was a recent one I found), or to clarify something. My 
comments in that case are for people reading the thread, not for 
the person I'm replying to. Sometimes the original commenter will 
reply with something like, "Thanks. I didn't know that." or "My 
info must be out of date.", but that's very rare in my experience.

My advice: if you're happy with D, then ignore the crap people 
say and just get on with it. Work on your project, report issues, 
fix issues if you can, and if you can make the time, blog about 
your experiences.

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