Classes on stack

bauss jacobbauss at
Thu Sep 1 10:38:11 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 1 September 2022 at 10:13:17 UTC, Redwan wrote:
> On Thursday, 1 September 2022 at 09:53:08 UTC, Dennis wrote:
>> On Thursday, 1 September 2022 at 09:43:55 UTC, Redwan wrote:
>>> oh, thank you. with this, no allocation??
>> No heap allocation. The `@nogc` attribute is enforced by the 
>> compiler, so you will get an error if you use `new` without 
>> `scope` here.
> OK tnx. another problem that probably is related to this issue.
> I compiled this worthless code:
> ```
> void main() {}
> ```
> also this one:
> ```
> @nogc void main() {}
> ```
> the valgrind result:
> ```
> ...
> total heap usage: 143 alloc, 141 frees, 13,236 bytes allocated
> ...
> ```
> !!!
> what's this means??
> from where comes this allocations and also leaks???
> if it's for GC, how to completely disable gc? I don't Wan use 
> it at all. I searched for a compiler command line disabling for 
> gc but not found. GC.disable() is ugly way I think.

Use betterC if you want to avoid the D runtime.

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