Help with failing assert in dmd.backend.symbol.d

Teodor Dutu teodor.dutu at
Thu Sep 1 19:24:24 UTC 2022


I have recently opened [this 
PR]( to change 
`_d_arraysetassign` to a template. It has caused [this builkite 
failure in 
vibe-d]( I am able to reproduced it locally, but I am unable to debug it.

Being a backend error, the `Symbol` struct doesn't seem to store 
precise information about the line and file from where that 
symbol comes. I have used `Symbol.lposscopestart`, but that only 
tells where the symbol was created. In my case, it was created 
here: `phobos/std/typecons.d(6822)`, but this doesn't provide me 
with too much info.

How would you debug this? Do you have any "tips" for debugging 
the backend? I'd also like to build vibe-d without dub so I can 
trace the compiler directly. How can I do this?

Thanks for the help,

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