Load dynamic libraries with no hand-written bindings!

Paul Backus snarwin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 16:05:44 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 7 September 2022 at 15:35:29 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 
> As mentioned in the previous reply it seems that a function 
> typedef trips it up. If there was a way to filter it out, 
> that'd be great.

I think the root of the problem here is that 
`std.traits.isFunction` does not do exactly what you're assuming 
it does. Specifically, it evaluates to `true` for both function 
*symbols* and function *types*:

import std.traits;

void fun() {}
static assert(isFunction!fun); // ok
static assert(isFunction!(typeof(fun))); // also ok!

In order to filter for just function *symbols*, you need to use a 
more elaborate test:

         static if (
             is(typeof(&__traits(getMember, Module, member)) 
             && isFunctionPointer!PtrType
         ) {
             GetFunctionList = AliasSeq!(GetFunctionList, PtrType);

This first checks whether you can take the member's address, and 
then, if you can, checks whether the type of that address is a 
function pointer. If I use the condition above in your reduced 
example, it compiles successfully, and the resulting list does 
not include the `typedef`.

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