[OT] Can someone close issue 8967 in https://issues.dlang.org/

Preetpal preetpal.sohal at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 02:30:21 UTC 2022

I encountered the same problem as in this 
[issue](https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8967). The fix 
was to use an application manifest file and declare the 
application as being long path aware (see [another forum 
post](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/wpritqbjxkifcueotlgr@forum.dlang.org)). The issue should be closed IMO as dirEntries should throw an exception when your program encounters a long path while not being declared as long path aware (it would then match the behavior of std::filesystem:::recursive_directory_iterator when using Visual C++ which throw a runtime_error when it encounters a long path unless your program is declared to be long path aware in its manifest).

I am not able to create an account on the [DLang's Issue Tracking 
System](https://issues.dlang.org/) so I cannot post this there.

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