Regarding the proposed Binray Literals Deprecation

Loara loara at
Sat Sep 17 17:22:33 UTC 2022

Honestly every time I need to use binary literals there always is 
a better approach (hex literals, enums, bitfields, ...) that does 
the job. Bit counting can be done very well with hex literals 
with little practice too, it's not so hard.

The point is that a lot of people comes from C/C++ and they're 
used to use binary literals and they want it in D too. If 
tomorrow binary literals will be dropped from every programming 
language on the surface of earth I would simply say "Ok."

On the other hand removing it seems useless, I'd prefer to issue 
a warning during compilation every time a binary literal is used 
and to allow user to disable these warnings with a compiler flag 
if you really need to use these literals.

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