I've made a language! \o/ Introducing Neat

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 20:28:58 UTC 2022

Alright, since I've ran out of critical issues on my TODO, here's 



The syntax will seem very familiar to people here. :) It's sort 
of like D1 circa 2003 but with macros instead of CTFE and a very 
underpowered template engine. Note that while all the features I 
want are in there, some (such as templates) are only 10% there. 
Still, it's usable as it stands, and it's self-hosting.

The biggest divergences to D are probably that it's 
reference-counted rather than GC, the macro support, and 
variables being (head) immutable and unreferenceable by default.

It also has built-in: tuple types, sumtypes with implicit 
conversion, named parameters and format strings. But D will have 
all of those eventually. (Any year now...!!) So how about I show 
you something cool that will probably never be in D:

How do you encode two structs to JSON?

module test;

macro import std.json.macro;
macro import std.macro.assert;

import std.json;

struct B {
     A first, second;

struct A {
     int v;

JSONValue encode(B b) {
     return JSONValue({
         "first": encode(b.first),
         "second": encode(b.second)

JSONValue encode(A a) {
     return JSONValue({ "v": a.v });

void main() {
     assert(encode(B(A(2), A(3))) == JSONValue({
       "first": {"v": 2},
       "second": {"v": 3}

"So you have hashmap literal syntax, like D?" No, I don't. Look 
again. The parameter passed to JSONValue is a genuine JSON 
expression, with embedded Neat expressions. No `JSONValue()` spam 
required. If it were XMLValue, it could just as easily be 
`XMLValue(<tag attribute=$variable>$(encode(body))</tag>)`.

Macros, fuck yes!

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