Organizing work via github projects

RazvanN razvan.nitu1305 at
Tue Sep 27 07:58:42 UTC 2022

Hello everyone,

Following the vision 
[document]( I have 
created some projects that reflect work items that are in sync 
with the directions stated there. These projects are available 

I have tried to populate as much as I could these projects with 
specific items. These are currently imcomplete, but I hope that 
folks will jump in and help me fill them. Most of the items are 
currently references to reported bugs. That is partly because we 
have entered a stabilization phase where we need to fix certain 
aspects of our current features. Nevertheless, there is also a 
DIPs project which currently contains the dips that need to be 
implemented or finished.

For projects such as importC, memory safety etc., I am hoping 
that people that champion these projects could create specific 
tasks that other contributors can pick up.

Long term, I am hoping to convince all core contributors to lay 
out their plans/tasks using github projects. Up until that point, 
narrowing down the pool of reported bugs to the ones that are of 
most interest to the Foundation should be a reasonable start.


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