Why is D significantly slower than C# in this instance?

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Wed Apr 12 12:19:12 UTC 2023

On Monday, 10 April 2023 at 21:29:11 UTC, Artjom wrote:
> [...]
>> D code (measuring exec time):
> ```
> double measureTime()
> {
>  StopWatch sw;
>  sw.start();
>  solveDynamic();
>  double sec = (to!double(sw.peek.total!"msecs") / 1000) + 
> (to!double(sw.peek.total!"usecs") / 1000000);
>  return sec;
> }
> ```
> [...]

the logic here is wrong, `.total!"..."` already sums the 
different units, you can just do `sw.peek.total!"hnsecs" / 
10_000_000.0` to get the total seconds as double.

Otherwise this currently always doubled the time, since you added 
the total (converted) seconds twice.

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