Run-time generic D implementation

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Sat Apr 29 00:21:33 UTC 2023

On Friday, 28 April 2023 at 20:04:55 UTC, João Lourenço wrote:
> Hey, I've been working on a run-time generic concept for D. I 
> really like the way Zig approaches allocators in their language 
> and this was inspired by it. This is just a POC, not a complete 
> project, but feel free to analyze it and play with it!

So, how is it different from the code below? I can understand 
though I leave the class under the control of the GC using the 
new operator. But you used struct...

void main()
   interface Foo
     int fun() @safe pure nothrow @nogc;
     int fun(int) @safe pure nothrow @nogc;

   class MyFooDouble : Foo
     int fun() => 5;
     int fun(int i) => i * 2;

   class MyFooTriple : Foo
     int fun() => 5;
     int fun(int i) => i * 3;

   Foo myFooDouble = new MyFooDouble;
   Foo myFooTriple = new MyFooTriple;

   //alias genericFoo = genericOf!Foo;

   auto foos = imported!"std.array".staticArray([
     myFooDouble, myFooTriple/*
     genericFoo(() @trusted { return &myFooDouble; } ()),
     genericFoo(() @trusted { return &myFooTriple; } ()),//*/

   with(foos[0]) assert(fun(fun) == 10);
   with(foos[1]) assert(fun(fun) == 15);

SDB at 79

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