Why is run.dlang.io not up-to-date?

Quirin Schroll qs.il.paperinik at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 15:25:05 UTC 2023

I noticed for quite a while that the (DMD) compilers on 
[run.dlang.io](https://run.dlang.io/) usually aren’t the latest 
compiler version, neither what’s listed as “dmd”, nor “dmd-beta”, 
nor “dmd-nightly”; especially the latter ones are really 

Is there a good reason or is run.dlang.io just maintained with 
low-priority? As far as I know, compiler versions follow a fixed 
schedule, so updating to the latest main-line version when it 
comes out could be completely automatic. Nightly could (should?) 
be updated with every merged PR. I have no idea about dmd-beta, 

Also, having read [*LiveView feels faster with a delayed loading 
indicator*](https://fly.io/phoenix-files/make-your-liveview-feel-faster/), I’d suggest not showing the “progress bar” (which isn’t a display of progress in any shape or form) only after a little while.

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