"Faster than Rust and C++: the PERFECT hash table"

Siarhei Siamashka siarhei.siamashka at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 11:21:46 UTC 2023

On Monday, 11 December 2023 at 03:25:15 UTC, Christopher Katko 
>  I wonder how easy it would be to slap it into D to test. Do 
> you just override the toHash function in your objects or is 
> there more to it?

The "faster than Rust" achievement doesn't mean much in reality, 
because the hash function in Rust is DoS-resistant by default. 
There's an old bug about a related issue in D: 

D language lacks flexibility in this area and replacing the 
built-in associative arrays hash function doesn't seem like an 
easy task. Moreover, there's now the 
feature and CTFE makes everything even more tricky. Reminds me of 
the old prelink vs. ASLR dilemma: https://lwn.net/Articles/190139/

One the other hand, it's possible to leave the built-in 
associative arrays alone and design a custom container class with 
a custom hash function. Tailored either for maximum performance 
or for DoS-resistance.

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