
Don Allen donaldcallen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 19:02:11 UTC 2023

Since ceasing my use of D out of concern for the direction and 
health of the project, I've nonetheless been following these 
forums and have seen what I consider to be sincere efforts to 
improve things.

So I've started doing a bit of D work again and ran into this:

import std.stdio;

struct Foo {
     int bar;
     int baz;

void bletch(alias field)(Foo s, int x) {
	s.field = x;
	writeln("%d", s.field);

int main(string[] args)
     Foo s;
     return 0;

Compiling with dmd 2.106.0 on an up-to-date NixOS system results 

(dmd-2.106.0)dca at giovanni:/home/dca/Software/d_tests$ dmd test.d
test.d(16): Error: undefined identifier `bar`
test.d(17): Error: undefined identifier `baz`

So it appears that symbols passed to a function template alias 
parameter need to be in scope at the instantiation site as 
opposed to within the instantiated code.

This makes no sense to me. The symbols at the instantiation site 
are not being evaluated in that scope. They will be evaluated by 
the compiler when it gets its hands on the instantiated code. If 
a simple compile-time substitution were done in the above code, 
those symbols would both be defined in the instantiated code.

Reading the documentation, I'm guessing that template mixins can 
be used to address this problem, so it's probably the case (I 
haven't tried it) that I can achieve what I want that way.

But I'm failing to understand why the problem exists in the first 
place. Perhaps inherited from C++, which I do not know, having 
had some early exposure to it and concluded it was awful?

I'm probably missing something here, perhaps some important cases 
where the behavior I'm seeing *does* make sense. I'd be 
interested in the comments of those who know D (and perhaps C++) 
better than I do.

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