D is our last hope

GrimMaple grimmaple95 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 09:47:56 UTC 2023

On Friday, 22 December 2023 at 00:02:01 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Every organized and professional product I know of requires a 
> specification to come with every formal proposal for a language 
> change.

Not the case with ImportC apparently, when you can just show up, 
make a 5K LOC PR out of thin air, mark it "trivial" and have 0 
spec or rationale prepared. Good double standards bro.

> They're not that much work, they're certainly a lot easier than 
> an implementation.

Don't you just go around assuming what is easy for people and 
what isn't. And it's not even a question of being easy, it's a 
question of wasting time on something that you would just veto 
anyway, so why bother?

> It is normal for organized language communities to require a 
> spec for any language changes. I'm not aware of any that don't.

Here is an example of such language: D. Because, apparently, spec 
is only requried when you personally feel like it, otherwise it's 
whatever goes.

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