Worse than impolite

Don Allen donaldcallen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 20:17:29 UTC 2023

I have previously posted regarding my concerns about this 
project, that it felt like a dysfunctional family. More recently, 
I said I saw hopeful signs. Then I read the "D is our last hope" 

It is discouraging to me that I feel that I need to lecture some 
of you about how to disagree. If you are an adult worthy of the 
term and are also a software development professional, I don't 
think it is too much to expect that the boundaries of good taste 
and polite behavior will be respected. I am not seeing that here. 
Calling the leader of the project a "stubborn fool" is just not 
the way to make your concerns known (I do not intend to point the 
finger at one person here; I am using this as an example of other 
posts that I think have crossed the taste/civility line). I have 
my own disagreements with some of Walter's decisions, but the 
fact is that without him, this project wouldn't exist. And if you 
don't like the way he runs it and can't convince him that you are 
correct, then you have options that would reflect far better on 
you than name-calling.

/Don Allen

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