[SAOC 2023] dfmt rewrite - Weekly update #15

Prajwal S N snp at dlang.org
Fri Dec 29 20:06:45 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I spent this week doing a bunch of different things:

- Some changes were needed in dmdfmt to make it compile with the 
latest DMD, due to some breaking changes in the compiler frontend.
- The line length tracking was not generalised correctly for 
writing strings and chars into the buffer, that's been fixed now.
- The conditional options in `dfmt_template_constraint_style` 
have been added, completing it.
- I put up a post to discuss whether dmdfmt should support 
formatting options that introduce inconsistency. You can find it 
[here](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/uvifwbbzggoomllwmftk@forum.dlang.org), I'd love to know your thoughts.

Also, a very happy new year to all of you :D

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