Weird DIP1000 issue

tsbockman thomas.bockman at
Wed Feb 8 22:25:32 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 8 February 2023 at 13:00:35 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> Here's a further reduction of one aspect of your snippet that 
> looks like a bug to me:
> ```D
> alias VErr = char*;
> ref front_r(ref VErr r) { return r; }
> ref front_p(VErr* p) { return *p; }
> ref front_s(VErr[] s) { return s[0]; }
> VErr g;
> void main() @safe
> {
>     VErr[1] _errors;
>     g = _errors[0]; /* copy from static array: ok */
> ```

That's inside the same function, so data flow analysis can see 
that no `scope` address has been assigned to any element of 

> ```D
>     g = front_r(_errors[0]); /* copy from `ref` via `ref`: ok */
> ```

`ref` is head `scope`, and does not infect the `char*` itself.

> ```D
>     g = front_p(&_errors[0]); /* copy from `ref` via pointer:
>                                  fails, should work */
> ```

Since `&_errors[0]` is a pointer to a stack variable, it must be 
`scope`. Pointers get transitive `scope`, so the `char*` is 
infected, too.

> ```D
>     g = front_s(_errors[]); /* copy from `ref` via slice:
>                                fails, should work */
> ```

Again, the `_errors[]` slice contains a pointer to a stack 
variable, so it must be `scope`. Slices get transitive `scope`, 
like pointers.

> ```D
> }
> ```

I think most of the confusion surrounding `scope` and related 
attributes stems from the fact that `scope` is transitive, when 
it really shouldn't be.

Instead, we should be allowed to directly specify for each level 
of indirection, and for each aggregate field whether it is always 
`scope`, follows the `scope`ness of its parent (as now), or is 
never `scope`.

The current design is fundamentally confusing and incoherent, 
because the true root of most every chain of indirections is some 
offset from the stack pointer, which must be `scope` if its 
existence is explicitly acknowledged. Since `scope` is 
transitive, this implies that most everything should be `scope`, 
which is stupid.

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