ModuleInfo, Object.localClasses(), and Object.find() - any users?

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Thu Feb 16 04:11:03 UTC 2023

On 2/12/2023 6:44 AM, Puneet Goel wrote:
> I request the developers not to rush with deprecating Object.factory 
> until a mechanism is developed to creak circular dependencies with modules.
Some methods given A imports B and B imports A:

1. Break up A and B so that the common part goes in C. The static constructor 
goes in C. I don't have the math to prove it, but I'm pretty sure that any A<=>B 
can be replaced with A<=C and B<=C. In fact, I think Go requires it (does not 
allow cyclical imports).

2. A bit kludgier way (but no refactoring needed) is for the C static 
constructor to call extern(C) void Actor(); and extern(C) void Bctor(); and have 
A provide a definition for Actor and B provide a definition for Bctor.

3. declare the constructors with pragma(crt_constructor). These are not order 
dependent, but one must take into account that they'll be run by the C startup 
code before druntime is initialized, meaning no GC will be available.

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