dub: JSON, SDL, YAML, TOML, what color should we paint it ?

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 15:12:45 UTC 2023

I don't enjoy JSON so i gave SDL a try few months ago, i quickly 
gave up, can't add new lines, can't add 'platform' at the 
beginning, nice for hello worlds, horrible for real world 
projects or simply when you need to manage multiple configuration

JSON doesn't support comments, it's noisy, and inflate the number 
of indentation for no reason

YAML is nice, a simple INI even better, LUA even more better 
(premake/xmake anyone?)

LUA would make managing multiple configurations easier, i'd 
experiment with adding it, but DUB takes an eternity to compile 
for me to do any work with it unfortunately

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