Library and site D examples

Karmello Karmello.Kyzer at
Sun Jan 29 00:03:31 UTC 2023

should automatically include most of the standard library so one 
doesn't have to constantly import them just to do basic playing 
around with the examples.

For example, I modified an example

import std.array : assocArray;
import std.range : enumerate;
import std.conv, std.algorithm, std.math;

auto aa = iota(1,20).map!(i => round(log(i))).take(10).array;

and had to import the 3rd line. This gets pretty annoying when 
playing around with the examples. The most common libs should 
automatically be imported and may be dependent on the 
library(e.g, if its std.traits maybe import std.meta and others 

Also, this example works but in visual stupid the same code gives 
me an error:

Error: function `!(Result).map` need `this` to access 
member `map`
X.d(22):        called from here: `map(iota(1, 100))`
X.d(22):        called from here: `take(map(iota(1, 100)), 30u)`

The difference is that I'm trying to generate this sequence at 
compile time(it's initializing a struct member). It should be 
computable without issue and I'm just replacing hard coded array. 
Seems iota isn't being computed at compile time.

struct x
       auto a = iota(1,1000).map!(i => 

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