Bugzilla to GitHub Continued

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 05:47:55 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 14:01:16 UTC, Dennis wrote:
> Issues with markdown code blocks in them will break when you 
> nest them inside another markdown code block.

This seems to be a common myth. Robert ran into the same issue.

For fenced code blocks, you just have to use one more `` ` `` 
character for your fence than however long the longest string of 
`` ` `` characters is in the text you're trying to fence.

For example, if you have some text that already has ```` ``` 
````, you just wrap it in ````` ```` `````. (Yeah, I had to use 
five to write that just now!)

Example (log in and click "view source" to see the Markdown):

This is a bug. Reproducer:
void main() { int i = 0/0; }
More bug text goes here.

And of course there's also the original indentation method.

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