Please support shorter constructor init

claptrap clap at
Sat Jul 8 18:34:44 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 8 July 2023 at 08:30:47 UTC, Danilo Krahn wrote:
> Please add `this` and `super` to constructor parameters.

To get a new feature added to the language someone needs to write 
a detailed "D improvement proposal" for it...

It takes a lot of effort, so either you have to care enough about 
it to do it yourself or you need to find someone else who feels 
the same.

All you get by asking for a feature in the forum is a bunch 
people yapping about it.

Im only telling you this so you dont have unrealistic 
expectations regarding your request. And it is worth considering 
that it's probably something that's been suggested before, I dont 
remember for sure, but probably. And there's pretty much always 
bigger fish to fry.

disclaimer : Im just a user, I dont speak in any official 

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