Could we add support for building & running example library code in dub?

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Jun 5 12:11:47 UTC 2023

Take vibe.d, it has many examples in its repository:

However these are a bit hard to build or run individually, or 
even to build all of them at once. There's two ways that I know 
of to build or run a specific example:

$ cd examples/auth_basic/
$ dub run


$ dub run --root=examples/auth_basic

And in fact for building the entire set of examples as part of 
vibe.d's test-suite there is a helper script in which does this:

if [[ $PARTS =~ (^|,)examples(,|$) ]]; then
     for ex in $(\ls -1 examples/); do
         echo "[INFO] Building example $ex"
         (cd examples/$ex && dub build --compiler=$DC $DUB_ARGS && 
dub clean)

It would be nice if library sample code was better integrated 
with dub so it's more easy to build & run, and maybe even enable 
parallel builds this way.

We have support for subpackages and building with `dub build 
mylibrary:subpackage`, but that serves a different use-case. We 
don't want to bundle example code as part of the library binary 


For one use-case I'd love to get rid of the `build.d` script in

It builds all the examples in, it can even do it in parallel.

I'd like to do this with dub but I don't see a way to do it 

Maybe this needs to be a new dub feature. Not sure what to call 
it.. they're not subpackages, so maybe collections?

I can imagine something like this in the library's root `dub.sdl`:

collections "./examples"

And the example projects as usual would have their own dub file:

dependency "mylibrary" path="../../"

And then being able to run these with `dub run examples:hello` or 
`dub run :hello`, or build all examples in parallel with `dub 
build examples` (perhaps with a parallel switch).

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