D has become unbearable and it needs to stop

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 14:50:49 UTC 2023

On Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 15:48:26 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
> Unfortunately D is run as a hobbyist project for langauage 
> geeks with little concern for the professional environment. It 
> is nothing wrong with language geeks having a project but it 
> doesn't mix well with projects that require stable 
> language+stdlib.

Is it even true? I always thought D was pretty rigid when it 
comes to language features

Sure we get bunch of attributes, but what about the core features?

``switch`` is still the same as it was in the past, other 
languages evolved it past what C has to offer, they have pattern 

``union`` same story, other languages came up with tagged union, 
coupled with improved switch, you got sweet pattern matching 
capabilities and safeties

``tuple`` same story again.. other language, even the most high 
level ones (C#) have it builtin and support deconstructing...

Other languages evolve at faster pace, some are even catching up 
yet they are considered `stable` languages

The `.enum` proposal for that got shutdown is the proof

The switch as expression got ignored

The tagged union one was met with: "just use std.sumtype template 
soup and get shitty errors"

> I repeat over and over again, we need to start with D3 so that 
> language geeks can have a platform without interfering with D2. 
> D2 should be put in maintenance mode now and the language 
> should be considered to be finished.

I aggree, it's time for D3, for it will be useless without a 
vision for the future

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