Organizing work via github projects

RazvanN razvan.nitu1305 at
Mon Jun 12 15:07:41 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

I am glad to announce that following some of the Foundation's 
meetings we have come up with concrete projects and tasks that, 
we believe, will further improve the status quo. As Mike pointed 
out in a former post, we have 3 tracks:

- Stabilize the Language, Compiler, and Standard Library
- Enhance the Ecosystem
- Strengthen the Community

Each of these directions has specific projects which contain 
specific tasks that need to be done. Some of them are already 
being tackled by the community members while others are waiting 
to be assigned to someone.

We are using github to track our projects: .

The 3 high level projects have a tag: [high-level-goal]. Each 
entry in them is actually a project in its own. The rest of the 
projects contain (or should contain) specific tasks that will 
bring us close to achieving the stated goal. We are still working 
on populating these projects, so you might find some that are 
missing some tasks, but overall, the majority of tasks should be 
Have a look around and if you have any feedback/comments feel 
free to express them.

If you want to tackle any of the projects/tasks please contact 
Dennis or me and we can assign you to them. Or you can just 
create a PR and then we will update our project boards. Whatever 
you prefer.

We want to use these lists so that community members can see what 
is being worked on and contributors know where to channel their 
efforts. We hope that these lists will become a common ground for 
people to organize their work for D.


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