How to Authenticate to lqe endpoint and run the sparql query in Java?

Rohan Jha jharohan923 at
Thu Jun 15 11:02:48 UTC 2023

To authenticate and run SPARQL queries in Java for an LQE 
(Lifecycle Query Engine) endpoint, you can follow these steps:

Set Up Dependencies:

Ensure you have the necessary dependencies in your Java project. 
You will need the Apache Jena library, which provides support for 
working with SPARQL queries and RDF data in Java.
Establish Connection and Authentication:

Create an instance of DatasetAccessor from the Apache Jena 
library, specifying the URL of your LQE endpoint.
If your LQE endpoint requires authentication, you need to provide 
the appropriate credentials. This typically involves setting the 
username and password.
Example code snippet for establishing a connection and 
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String endpointUrl = "";
String username = "your-username";
String password = "your-password";

DatasetAccessor accessor = 
     new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));
Construct and Execute SPARQL Query:

Build your SPARQL query using the Apache Jena library's 
QueryFactory and QueryExecutionFactory classes.
Example code snippet for constructing and executing a SPARQL 
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String sparqlQuery = "SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object WHERE { 
?subject ?predicate ?object }";

Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQuery);
QueryExecution queryExecution = 
QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, accessor.getModel());
ResultSet resultSet = queryExecution.execSelect();

while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
     QuerySolution solution =;
     // Process query results here

In this example, we execute a simple SPARQL query that selects 
all subject-predicate-object triples. You can customize the 
SPARQL query according to your specific requirements.

Process Query Results:

Iterate over the ResultSet obtained from the query execution to 
process the query results as needed.
Access the individual query solutions using QuerySolution and 
retrieve specific values using the variable names specified in 
your SPARQL query.
Handle Exceptions:

Handle any potential exceptions that may occur during the 
authentication or query execution process. This can include 
exceptions related to network connectivity, authentication 
failure, or malformed queries.
Remember to replace the placeholder values (endpointUrl, 
username, password, sparqlQuery) in the code snippets with the 
actual values corresponding to your LQE endpoint and 
authentication credentials.

These steps provide a basic outline for authenticating and 
running SPARQL queries in Java for an LQE endpoint. However, the 
specific implementation may vary depending on the libraries and 
frameworks you are using. Refer to the documentation of the 
libraries you are utilizing for more detailed information on 
authentication and SPARQL query execution in Java.

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