Looking for details of how interface method tables are implemented in D

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 17:16:16 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 17 June 2023 at 12:34:41 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar 
> Hi
> I am looking for details of how interface method dispatch works 
> in D.
> I would be grateful for any documentation of code references I 
> can lookup.
> In particular, I wanted to understand how similar / different 
> the implementation is compared to Java.
> Regards
> Dibyendu

Note: While writing this answer, I found the actual specified 
answer in the D ABI docs: https://dlang.org/spec/abi.html#classes

I still think this explanation is good though.


I don't know for sure, but I think pretty much every 
single-inheritance with interface implementation in a C-like 
language works like this:

You have a class C. C has a vtable of dynamic methods:

C {
   C_VTable* __vtable;
   classdata goes here
C_VTable {
   void function(void*) method1;
   void function(void*) method2;
   void function(void*) method3;

You have a class D that inherits from C. It starts with a pointer 
to a D_VTable, that looks like this:

D_VTable {
   // all methods that D overrides are replaced in the C part
   C_VTable parent;
   // methods that only appear in D go here
   void function(void*) method4;

It has to be like this, so that you can take a pointer to D and 
implicitly treat it as a pointer to C.


Now what about interfaces? They're a bit complicated.

Obviously an interface pointer cannot be the same pointer as the 
class pointer of the class that implements it. Because the 
interface methods would have to be at a fixed offset from the 
start of the vtable, and then they could collide with methods 
added by the class. So an interface reference is an *additional 
vtable pointer* in the object, that points at a dedicated 
interface vtable. That vtable usually also has the offset from 
the vtable pointer to the start of the object, because we need 
that to get the object reference back so we can actually call 
methods with it.

C : I
   C_VTable* __vtable;
   C data goes here.
   // I i = c; results in a pointer *to this field.*
   I_VTable* __i_vtable;

I_VTable {
   size_t i_to_c_offset = -20; // or whatever
   void function(void*) i_method_1;
   void function(void*) i_method_2;
   void function(void*) i_method_3;

Anyway, how does all that compare to Java? No clue! Sorry. I can 
only assume it's pretty similar, because this is really is the 
"unambiguously sensible" way to do it.

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